Monday, December 20, 2010


Ok. Last post aku bulan Ogos. Now dah Disember. Hmm Ogos, September, Oktober, November, Disember....and dah nak dekat Januari dah. hmm lama gila aku tak post apa2. 4 months plus dah. Since bulan puasa. Aku rasa dah crash down dah blog aku ni (waktu aku aktif pun memang dah cam crash down). Kalau la aku ada skill cam member aku yang gila blog nurzam tu plus semangat dan emm kesungguhan?. kalau la, dah lama dah aku enjoy buat blog and orang lain pun nak usha.

kadang2 jeles gak tengok blog2 yang famous tahap kebangsaan ni. Layout, background, header footer semua tu simple but buat orang attracted. kadang2 aku terfikir, orang suka blog warna putih semua ke? warna hitam semua ke (not my cup of tea la), warna merah (ton yang tepat atau akn jadi disaster), rainbow2 ke (gila donut) or with corak2 simple mahupun kompleks.

But how much kita nak buat apa pun, if kita mengharapkan sangat2 pengiktirafan orang lain je, buat sampai da nak dekat mati pun tak dapat weh. Last2 kecewa pastu tak de semangat dah nak buat. pastu crash down. Sapa la tu kan? (wink2*) and everything yang buat with all ideas booming inside your head yang menjerit2 nak keluar untuk dijadikan sebagai 'karya' di blog wasted begitu saja.

just what i can say is enjoy in doing everything. makan, study (naaah), tidur, dating (ehem2), game, tv, facebook dan tak dilupakan, blogging. Semua without fun, akan jadi sesuatu yang membosankan dan menyusahkan. Cam ada orang tu (ye2).

kalau ikutkan hati aku nak tulis seberapa panjang yang boleh but then emmm kesian pulak orang2 nak baca ni. nanti aku post la pasal trip aussie, cuti sekolah, pmr (after dapat result la), etc. Actually fun if kita post pasal2 apa2 yang kita lalui. it's fun when kita cerita kat kawan and tengok review diorang. Well itu la sifat manusia.

So then, sampai sini je kot celoteh aku for today. Rasa semangat bila update balik. Hmm lama gak k. Tak tau semangat ni lama or sekejap je. rasa jeles la tengok perkembangan member-baik-CE12 rival-blogger-super-brained-IT aku da gempak update blog dia (well dia memang gempak pun) :p

p/s: Blog member aku tu best doe. Klik2

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan da masuk hari yang ke -10. Puasa pun agak enjoy this year dapat buat banyak amal ibadat. Memikirkan cuti raya yang akan datang, tak sabar rasanya nak balik kampung :)

Tak sabar nak jumpa nenek, atuk, makcik2 pakcik2, cousins2 yang jarang2 jumpa dan bukak puasa ngan mama n papa.

Terawih, every year aku memang semangat sejak kecik lagi. Dari kecik lagi, aku ingat lagi aku lah yang paling riuh nak gi terawih. haha tah aku rasa macam agak fun. ye la, da penat puasa semua dapat pahala, ni nak tambah lagi so rasa agak tenang sangat. plus, terawih ni buat 30 hari je setahun waktu bulan Ramadhan. Aku pun suka dengar takbir terawih everytime nak start dan abis terawih siap boleh hafal lagi. pendek kata, aku pegi masjid untuk semayang terawih bukan terpaksa dan aku bersyukur sangat Allah bagi aku perasaan nak sangat semayang terawih. Moga2 perasaan ni kekal sampai ke tua nanti inshaalah.

Lagipun, aku rasa dapat ketenangan sewaktu bulan puasa. ye lah, dengan syaitan kena rantai semua campur ngan pahala yang dilipatkaligandakan memang enjoy sangat buat amal ibadah. tapi korang jangan la waktu bulan puasa je buat amal ibadat, bulan lain pun wajib gak.

Aku pun suka pengalaman bagun sahur yang selalunya dilakukan bulan ramadhan je. Pagi yang segar dengan makanan yang sedap (kat rumah la) memang enjoy la. kadang2 kat rumah aku after sahur selalu main game (selalunya tido balik). But kat MC, da takda game, aku selalunya tido balik but kadang2 aku semangat nak gi surau untuk Subuh. da siap awal aku rasa takda la kelam kabut nak gi sekolah (da la sekolah depan mata je tu pun boleh kelam kabut sebab lambat -.-) overslept punya pasal la. assembly 7.15 aku bangun 6.45 mana tak lambatnya. so kalau bangun awal, takda la lambat.

So sempena bulan ramadan ni, aku urge korang kalau boleh solat terawih everynight coz banyak kelebihan dia for everynight. Anyway, aku post benda ni pon da pukul 7 petang da buakak puasa pukul 7.29 memang lambat la kau kali ni. ok chow dulu..

p/s:budak pon semangat nak semayang terawih, kita camna? renung2 kan lah...

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ramadhan datang lagi..

Malam 11/8/2010

At last,
Ramadhan comes! Wish to have a splendid ramadhan this year!

Ah Lan Wasahlan ya Ramadhan :)

p/s: Raya je, PMR datang menyusul...

If I say YES ?

I am not a Yes-man but sometimes some things forced you to say Yes in any condition.

P/s: Got my word?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Patut ke aku balik on 26th of August?

26th August, Nuzul Quran-Perak je sambut.
so dapat balik hari Khamis n balik MC hari Ahad. And then the Jumaat that particular week kena balik MC for cuti Raya.

So should i be going home or stay?

p/s:my mom suruh stay..adoi

Sunday, July 18, 2010

bola bola bola

i know that you've been wondering why do i put the malaysian football squad celebrating after winning in my post. Well, the first thought of you guys are apparently;

  • i will write bad things about them or even bad jokes about malaysian football squad and the World Cup
or for the slightly optimistic;

  • i will write about them: of where are we right now, the future of our squad and what we should have been doing in the past years or the future or even where are we now to be compared with other football national team and what we are lacking of.
Well, surely there will be no harsh words though. Or even for the really good angel-like guy who throw their utmost praises to the national football squad;

  • i will congratulate the football squad through their recent success and how we are in the right track now towards the future glory. or perhaps glory in the future, way far.
Yeah, yeah we can be 'proud' of our football history where our national squad was lead by what we called super-power talent with the likes of Mokhtar Dahari, Armugam, Santokh Sigh and many more. But remember, what's in the past stay as a history. The problem that we are facing right now is we are too relaxed and not continuing the legacy of our football pride.

We are always and will always be the laughing stock if someone talk about malaysia and our football(malaisie et notre football).

Jokes regarding the world cup and Malaysia will always be there if we stay on our current state. I read the Saturday 17th July 2010 NST on the opinions section where the guy said almost everything about the World Cup 2010. There is a statement about the Malaysian football team and he wrote one of the joke where it is about our national football team which i found it quite funny. Here it is guys,

The Koreans seek the God's prediction. They asked "when we will be the champion?" and the god answered in 100 years time. The Koreans cried. The Japs asked for prediction too and the God answered in 50 years time. The Japanese cried. Then when the Malaysian asked for God's prediction, the God cried.

Yes people. It's funny right. It's so funny even i read it again and again. I showed it to my friends and the responses still the same with me. Proving that firstly, i am a normal guy and secondly how bad our current national football team .

Then, something coincidentally happened. i have Bahasa Melayu Paper 2 pre-trial test last Tuesday and the B section asked us to write about "Usaha-usaha meningkatkan mutu bola sepak negara seiring negara-negara maju". Wow.. what a coincidence though.

Well when i was brainstorming, i did get few ideas and it is considered as brilliant for me though. If only everyone could see what i am seeing right now about the national football team with a few if not much initiative. If la kan..

We could actualy retain our glory. The glory of Mokhtar Dahari era is not just a legend but a continuity. So we can be proud always with our football...

Sunday, June 20, 2010


"Okay class kita pergi smart lab"

Gedegang!bunyi barang2 jatuh akibat kekecohan pelajar2 kolej melayu kuala kangsar.

Di smart lab-kurang daripada 5 minit
"weh aku dulu weh"
"ilek2 doh"
"mana cikgu ni?"

Beberapa pelajar berjalan lenggang lenggok. Dah la lambat ish3

tersenyum kambing

Cikgu tiba-
Kunci diunlocked
"woi line ah!"
"sabar2.semua org dpt"
"weh aku 'cop' comp blakang kanan"

"okay class, kita pergi science lab"

suara keluhan..

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Norma Hidup #2

Lelaki inilah yang ditangkap oleh pihak berkuasa Pakistan di kawasan pergunungan negara tersebut ketika sedang dalam misi untuk memburu Osama bin Ladin. Namanya ialah Gary Brooks Faulkner, seorang pekerja binaan, berasal dari Amerika Syarikat. Ketika ditangkap, pihak berkuasa menemukan pedang, pistol, dan gajet untuk melihat pada waktu malam bersama-sama dengannya.

Menurut anggota keselamatan Pakistan di daerah Chitral, Muntaz Ahmad Khan, “Kami hanya tergelak apabila dia memberitahu niatnya yang mahu membunuh Osama bin Ladin.” Namun, apabila pemeriksaan lanjut dilakukan dan mereka menemukan pelbagai senjata, mereka mula mempercayai kata-kata Faulkner.

Ketika disoal siasat, Faulkner menyatakan bahawa dia cukup marah selepas serangan September 11. Katanya ”Saya yakin Osama bertanggungjawab terhadap pertumpahan darah di seluruh dunia dan saya mahu membunuhnya”.

Apabila ditanya tentang harapan untuk menjejaki Osama, Faulkner menjawab “Tuhan bersama-sama dengan saya, saya yakin dapat membunuhnya.” Namun, menurut laporan media, Gary Faulkner yang kuat dengan pegangan agamanya merupakan bekas banduan yang terlibat dalam jenayah dan sering keluar masuk penjara antara tahun 1981-1993.

Untuk menjayakan misinya, Faulkner dilaporkan telah menjual segala alat pertukangannya dan menurut abangnya, Faulkner dikatakan bersedia untuk mati di Pakistan.

Menurut laporan media, Faulkner yang berusia 50 tahun telah berkunjung ke Pakistan sebanyak 6 kali dan belajar serba sedikit bahasa penduduk tempatan. Dia juga sengaja membiarkan misai dan jambangnya panjang.

faiz said - Bangang! muahahaha
p/s : up to korg nak baca sampai abes ke tak :D

Sunday, June 13, 2010

One year older

Happy Birthday To You~
Happy birthday to you~
happy birthday to Faiz~
Happy Birthday to~ You~~~


thanks guys especially my parents for being the first one to wish me, waking me up early in the morning after having a short while of sleep becuase of the psp that kept hold of me till the dead of night (DAmn u PSP! XD )

I didn't celebrate my birthday this year. Don't know why yet feeling nothing special about it. (sorry atiqah, i think i disagree with you about 15 is only once)

Haha So no presents la (DUH!of course!) By the way, thanks to aida the special wish :)

Thanks to all of you who wished me via fb haha (thanks Mark Zuckerberg!)

p/s : i really felt appreciated :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Last night, i was so angry thinking about the fools that offended me
i wanna give one of them a piece of my mind
yet my mood to 'kill' him extinguish after i red this dude's blog
super blog
so funny about his post
with the pictures and the stories
he's so imaginative
so me and my friends laugh our chest out
i really love blogging now
it makes me HAPPY haha

Monday, May 10, 2010


this band is named train. Don't know why, don't ask me and search for yourselves :P
Well i've been emm "obsessed" with their song especially Hey, Soul Sister. well, it's a great song. Why else? The song is so good and it is hard to be sung (i don't sing it always because it will be of what people call "sumbang"). true, i tried and i failed haha the worse song i have ever tried to sing (the song's great but i made it worse as soon as i opened my mouth). So to those who's not qualified to sing high notes, DON"T sing this song as it will be so nasty for the people's ears. Well, we can say when the song is hard to be sung perfectly (very hard), it means that the band is a great band as they perfectly carry out that song at studio or even at live show. Really love and envy the frontman's voice. Watch out for me world. The legend in-making is making hot shot here.

p/s: Try to watch the acoustic version of Hey, Soul Sister by Train

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day to;-
Nor Aziah bt Ujud
1962- now
"I LOve You Mom! Happy Mother's Day to You! You did a great job in upbringing me for almost 15 years. your son is a well respected boy now (wink wink*). I Love You!"

p/s:To all bloggers, please do the same thing as i did. Love your mom by any such ways :D we bloggers we type we post! haha


Tomorrow,to-morrow, to-morrow (cam Life's a Brief Candle pulak)
will mark the beginning of the new me
well tak ada la baru sangat
to achieve straight As for PMR
so kena la focus (well everyone says that)
kat sekolah tak boleh main main lagi (tu la apa orang selalu cakap)
exam mid year is a disappointment and eyes-opener for me (so true)
so pmr da dekat
teringat time awal awal aku selalu tulis countdown kat whiteboard kelas
waktu tu tinggal 151 days lagi
so kat sekolah kena study gila gila sekarang
so tak dapat la online selalu
untuk aku gak
so bye bye

p/s:is not the last post ye.... harap maklum.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

back from RMC

Went to watch RMC vs MCKK annual English debate. it was fun to get to see other schools. New atmosphere. The debate was fun You guys really did a good job :D

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bilik Briged : The...

Aku ni

semenjak dua menjak habis exam selalu lepak bilik briged. Main computer la. Facebook la. Blogging la. But memang best la. If it's not because of the president of cyber brigede is a friend of mine, i wouldn't be here always. Everynight, everyday, lepak bilik briged. memang best. Wise Decision la aku jadi cyber brigede. Awal - awal cuak la coz bilik ni dekat dengan kelas form 5. Lepas tu, tak sah kalau tak lebih sejam kat sini.

Serius, Amir Farid baik la. Plus, aku kenal dia last year waktu summit by same foster parents. Lucky me. Anyway, it's my first post in BM. Memartabatkan Bahasa Melayu la kononnya. But still, ada gak campur campur English. Kalau cikgu BM baca, sure anti aku. Baik tak yah tulis kan? tu yang apa aku rasa la haha. But orang nak kata aku da tak kisah dah. aku ni cm da kuat resistance aku kat apa yang orang ckp, cam da immune. yela, apa yang aku boleh buat. Violence tu ada gak in mind. Baling baling barang, tumbuk, penyepak (jangan main main aku ada taekwando. Pum belt plak! boleh ambik exam jadi black belt kot) but aku ni baik. tah, tak suka guna keganasan. But once aku da meletop, memang cam Hiroshima n Nagasaki la diorang.

therefore, temper aku gempak. Aku boleh handle. belum tumbuk muka orang lagi. belum sepak orang lagi. belum ajak fight lagi. belum segala galanya la kaitan dengan violence. But diam diam ubi berisi. aku tak tau la kalau aku da panas gila gila apa jadi. Well, aku da fikir pon. But silap silap, Henry Gurney la tempat aku. so, aku try elakkan. for berapa lama, aku tak pasti. but still da lama. but kalau aku lepaskan selalu by words la, utter words. offensive la.. apa lagi? But diorang ejek je, tak de la hina aku gila gila sampai ke mak bapak. So aku tumpang gelak sekali je la haha

But kadang kadang aku rasa demotivated gak la. But aku ada baca kat blog sorang minah ni Perempuan Jomblo yang tulis pasal life dia which aku selalu up-to-date with, ada hadis cakap Nabi Muhammad tu berdakwah kena hina semua bukan dengan sorang dua tapi satu kaum dia still tabah je. tak pernah guna kekerasan hatta ini kan kita yang manusia biasa yang baru kena ejek. memang kasi aku a deep feeling la bout it. So aku sabar je la. asalkan jangan main mak bapak sudah.

So aku nak thanks la kat Ladynoe( because kasi aku certain feeling pasal life. well, dia memang tak filter la. memang sincere la citer dia. tak da bullshit. sebagai archive diri dia. yelah, tak main la writing diary sekarang ni. But satill, memang fun. tak hampeh la.

So aku cam da start nak post dalam BM coz aku dulu post dalam English nak orang baca je (sekarang pon sikit sikit la) so bila kita nak orang puas hati gila gila, words n grammars kena lain dari yang lain la. So tersekat la kebebasan aku nak tulis something. first nak fikir idea. bila ada, nak fikir perkataan nak guna. and dengan correction tu semua, memang tak fun la. so tak parallel la dengan concept of journalism and bloggingsm which is free in writing about anything wholely. so kalau aku tulis English je, mesti tertinggal tu la , ini la. But aku tak ada la nak ketepikan English tu but aku nak try tulis for fun with more freedom. i still got all those fun english words to be used hehe.

Still, aku rasa awkward gak la nak tulis in bm. yela, aku tulis bm selalu in two occasions, one karangan yang kena tulis betul betul and another one chatting where it will be full of shortforms. so waktu awal awal aku taip post ni, asyik backspace je haha. nak biar betul spelling so orang faham. nak tak tu semua sinkof so aku ok je. but this is it, my first post in bm

harap harap korang enjoy la. thank you kerana sudi baca sampai habis. aku ni banyak benda selalu nak cakap. dengan exagerate lagi haha. so keep up-to-date la dengan blog aku. thanks.

yang ikhlas,

p/s:korang patut tengok blog ladynoe. best. ada link tu kat dalam post ni. carila..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


not well accomplished by results actually.
I got a B for English eventhough i published all my posts in English. tsk!
i got Bs for science and BM too
yet i got Geography highest (90) and A for Maths
Just okay, just nice yet not enough.

i really need 3 more subjects to get As
But i really need that. So Repetitive.
Because i really need that. Okay now i'm getting nuts.

i feel nothing about this exam results and such because i was not in the mood to face it though.
still thought about HELP University
we really should be going to the next round( and escape the exams for two days hehe)

i really missed my parents (well i met them at HELP)
i really missed home
Because i missed everything that i left when i am in difficult situation
when i need somebody
Luckily i'm going back this weekend
to watch the RMCs defying the royal with our Royal school
and to meet my friends
alas relaxing

i'm going to use my free time at home
with the best i can
not study
but refreshing myself till the next school holiday (03/06)
so it needs to be occupied perfectly

being a debater
is not easy
once thought of quitting
once been given the chance
once i took it
once i felt fun
it was HELP that changed everything
and now i love it.
enjoy it.
missed it.
yet life must be carried on
it's ridiculous to say i am homesick
or worse.
i don't run from school
i am still safe and sound here
for 3 years already.
No complaints please.
maybe homesick can be taken into account.

i am
it happened when i missed something
and so
this is my confession
a confession it is


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Karma : the..

i like the concept of karma. "what goes around comes around". yes. it's a song. been made a tittle for a song by Justin timberlake.

But this concept for me is the real deal. because when you do something, it will get back to you. Say if you are a michievous boy who always play-a-fiend at your friends, no matter how big, influential, bad, horror or hardcore you are, you will get back what you have done. What you did to him(her/them) will make you feel how wad it like to be in his shoes.

So it's better for us be ourselves and go through with this concept and let the paranoid went through by actions. When you do deeds, the deeds will be upon you.

Moral value can be taken : Do many deeds(a lot of). and stay away from trouble.

p/s: i should've been putting few interesting stories to make it more attractive. yet times and space were not in my side.

Friday, April 30, 2010

When we get day off,it's an off-day!

Well we probably went through this during every holiday where most of us will be a sloth. What i meant here is holiday is a day off. a day off means an off day for us. so the ideology(ies) of where students MUST study and such things done in schools ain't parallel to the concept of day off.

Enjoy it before it's too late because as you are imploring the adult life time by time and starting to resign from the adolescence life, you will feel no more better than staying at home, lazing like a sloth. You will not get the oppurtunity that time. To get it, a working time of years are demanded. easier to say, retirement.

But being in retirement sectors mean you are getting older.Eventhough you will feel relaxed but remember being gold is no gold to be compared with the fun of sloathing now. So held your head high, focus in class, study smartly(hardwork is needed), get good grades(very) and there will be no worries during your holidays.

Then you can say it loud(please.not YELL), "My day off is my OFF-DAY!"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Exam week.

26th april - 3rd may

Exam week. Busy. Starting to stress. Should have gone to HELP on Wednesday. If that judge is someone else, we could have gone already. Maths A headache. BM BI Essays r hand Killers respectively. What hell more can be ignited? French tomorrow. A stupid study should do the job. Hope to end soon. I'm not ready yet actually. I'm not in the mood though.

i'll just hope a decent archievement. I don't want to hope too high. Had felt it already. A Failure even not by grade but what i wanted to archieve. just wish good luck for all. History will be easy. got two days off though.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I will follow you into the dark

A great band, A great song.

Muse:a band from outerspace where their supermassive power is uprising

QUeen's guitarist, Brian May has praised Muse's work, calling the band "extraordinary musicians" who "let their madness show through, always a good thing in an artist".

Needless to say they are the best.

Deatch Cab For Cutie:it's not just about a's the feeling of lack

described by The Rolling Stones as "emotion through its lack of emotion"

awesome band!

Putrajaya : is magnificent at night

There'll be lots more pics to come. i just need more time.much..

i'll show you how putrajaya is so adoreable as well as my photography skill (hehe)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i'm going back to KL tomorrow :D

HELP University College
Damansara KL

Debate Workshop

i'm going back to KL at last :D

Friday, April 2, 2010

my lost project...

i lost my pendrive which contained the draft for my geography kerja kursus at the Cyber Cafe here. actually i lent it to my friend and he printed our oral assessment that he saved in my pendrive last week. then he went back and forgot to take my pendrive. i demanded for the money as he didn't take it serious that time as i asked him to get permission to go outing on monday or the day earlier. yet he insisted that he would take it on saturday which is today. than the man at the counter was reluctant to help us. he didn't even care about the pendrive. damn him! my angriness towards him had lost as i have to face my mom then and face the seniors for not attending the debate meeting this morning.

i really had a bad day today.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Remember me


In the romantic drama Remember Me, (Robert Pattinson) plays Tyler, a rebellious young man in New York City who has a strained relationship with his father (Pierce Brosnan) ever since tragedy separated their family. Tyler didn't think anyone could possibly understand what he was going through until the day he met Ally (Emilie de Ravin) through an unusual twist of fate. Love was the last thing on his mind, but as her spirit unexpectedly heals and inspires him, he begins to fall for her. Through their love, he begins to find happiness and meaning in his life. Soon, hidden secrets are revealed, tragedy lingers in the air, as the circumstances that brought them together threaten to tear them apart. Set in the summer of 2001, Remember Me is a story about the power of love, the strength of family, and the importance of living passionately and treasuring every day of one's life.

it was released on 12 march at Malaysia which was during the holiday. yet i missed it. What a waste...

-3 Cemerlang

  • faiz Azizan
  • Akmal Malik
  • Nurzam faiz
  • fazal Amsyar

We had done our oral assessment that were given by our English teacher, Miss Linda in the morning of 29th march. We all had done our best to make preparation for the oral assessment as it was for the sake of our PMR including writing the script till the dead of night(me). The script was quite long and i had shortened it. Not so short but worth the content. we were given one week to rehearse. Out of 6 groups, we were the 3rd group to present our oral assessment. nevertheless, we had done our best in giving 100 % to the teacher and the whole class. We added up a few spontanious humour which were kind of humourous. We talked about the storyline of the movie, the ones that were barely in my memory as i wrote the script. Each and every of us expressed our emotion regarding to what we were talking about. It was worth a lot of serious practice (not so) + with high spirit as all of us gained 14 marks over 15, clearly the best group. Chemistry was an important thing. That's the key to our success. it's a team performance, not individual.

Thanks guys. We really made an outstanding performance.


Saturday, March 13, 2010



we lost all the 3 games and didn't get any medals. we're sorry koleq..

Friday, March 5, 2010

Water Polo : 2010

two place left. i am fighting for a place along with my batchmate and two second formers for the MCKK White Sharks to compete in under 18 state level at ipoh on Monday. I hope i can win the place. Pray for me..


Movies or Actors?

A lot that we've heard about twilight or even new moon. When it first released, the responds were "It's so dull.". "Boring!!". "Wasted my money" or even "i slept in the cinema when the movie played for the first few minutes." hmm... these kind of voices were mostly from the guys. the matured one especially. the one that can judge correctly. by its quality and such.

But how about we ask the girls then. I asked my sister, cousin(girls) and my girldfriends (girld+friends) . Their first responds were "Edward's HOT!". "Edward! Edward! Edward!". See? the vice versa of it. It means that the audiences fell to the actor instead of the movie itself. and that's bad for the movie eventhough they gained profits because of the actors. yet it's not what movies should be.

A great movie should have a termendous storyline instead of only having actors with hot hot looks. if not, where will the values of movies be ? Maybe it's only a patty issue but we can see here that a movie attracted people so much because of its actors. Then when the critics watch it, believe me they are very dissapointed.

I put the pictures and posters of twilight and new moon + Robert Pattinson and the movies he acted for, and last but not least Taylor Lautner as they are the best examples. okay. One of their main actor is Robert Pattinson which is the big big thing right now. Then the movies become famous. But in the view of the critics, it sucks! it's lucky for the director that his movies still have ratings rather than not having one. But their ratings are quite low. Twilight and New Moon got 5.3 * and 4.8 * respectively. but when it was first released, there was something that spreaded like a virus. untill now though. 'EDWARDCULLENMANIA'. i remembered most of my girldfriends posted the picture of him on their profile at myspace and even put caption that sounded like "He's mine! Stay away from him!". They even added the name 'Cullen' at thier last name.

Then on 2009, new moon was first released. another character bloomed! Taylor Lautner. With the dramatical changes of hot hot look + body, he's the in-thing. Then the Edward's fans moved on and confessed of becoming Jacob's fans bit by bit. but not all. There always be the ones who are loyal enough. Then a new thing was estabalished by the influences of new moon. Team Jacob and Team Edward. well, i don't need to explain this thing as you could even guess it accurately. Well it got major supports from the girls and suprisingly the boys too. the boys are interested of his body (DUH!of course!). yeah. it's undeniable the guys like to have an awesome body like Jacob.

Still this whole actorsmania thingy is not something serious right now as the movies playing still have values. to be honest, i love these movies and i'm waiting for the sequel, Eclipse to be released. hey, Twilight isn't that bad. New moon too. they still have values of their own. Well who are they to judge? haha

Test Test Test : horrific one

The following is my result that i archieved for my first test for the year of 2010.

English 85%(A)
Bm 47%(D)
History 95%(A+)
Maths 93%(A+)
Living Skills 90%(A+)
Geography 88%(A)
Science 87%(A)
Islamic Studies 93%(A+)

yeah. i got 4 A+ and i was so happy. but i don't know is this result is the worst from all other exams i had done or vice versa coz i got a D. still to be compared with my form 1 final exam where i got 1 A- and the rest were B+ and B. All in all i am still grateful for getting 7 A's . Yet my batch made our own personal record with more than 20 people getting straight A's . i am so happy with you guys :)

We'll prove to all that we are a superb batch and their assumptions were wrong 100%. Hope you guys can keep it constant and make a record of 100% straight A's for the PMR .
Hope you guys luck !

-faiz 17-

Sunday, February 28, 2010

a 'D' for the first time...

1 March 2010


Cikgu Azfa was ready to hand out the test paper that we've done last week. My name was the first to be called up. i was shaking as the worst is always the first. but not always. Hoping to get an 'A' for BM. When i saw the paper, i was... speechless. i can't believe what my eyes were seeing. 47% . yes. a 'D'. damn! My hope to gain straight A's for the easiest exam went down into the drain just like that. i failed already in this exam. i was sad but tried to be happy. yeah i tried. my eyes were almost plopped from the sockets seeing 0 for the pemahaman section. 14/20 for the ringkasan didn't give any optimistimistic view for me. it was a terrible feeling being the lowest among all. maybe the luck was not on my side as i never get 15/20 or below for the ringkasan or 9/10 and below for the pemahaman. first time. unfortunately the first time was at the exam. i once get 5 a's 2b's and 1 c. but this was worse. 1D. nevertheless i manged to cliched an A for both english and History. i got 85% and 95% respectively. the results that i really wanted. so my target then were changed from 8a's to 7a's 1D. yeah. a little bit awkward when you are in top 10 (hopefully) when you got 7a's and a 'D'.

yeah. i'll just have to accept the cold fact and fate. i should take this as a challenge to archieve straight a's for all the coming exams (especially pmr). keep on praying the sayings go..learn from failures to success. yeah i know i can do it :D

p/s: thnx to ckgu suhaili for the history class. history becomes more fun when you are teaching. =)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rock Band


a popular band. Plus it's an indie band, the in thing right now for the teenagers. But what "rocked" me more is they are from my school, mckk. This shows that my school not only produce leaders but musicians too :D

On the early month of february, fresh 4th formers entered koleq after archieving 8a's for their pmr on 2009. They had their orientation week. I didn't watch the opening orientation week but i didn't miss the closing orientation week where i called it as konsert burung. Then there was a band performance by the old form 4s n new form 4s. The combination of thorough and burung was quite okay as they played situasi that was made famous by Bunkface. Their performance was okay as it was very easy song and just a few flaws were heard such as not much distortion for the guitar. From 5 stars i rated them 2.5 stars. They could have done better and rock the audiences but it was rather dull. We don't want this kind of band to be on the tv screens or the radio speakers.

So here i promised to batch 0812 that next year's we will rock you guys with the real feeling of going to rock concerts out there! To Rifqi, ready with the drumsets !
- faiz -

Friday, February 26, 2010

Editorial Board 2010

Editorial Board or edit' board, a board which is responsible for the annual college magazine or koleq mag we called it.i applied for the journalist post..

it is about the month of january at pavillion mckk after inspection(if i'm not mistaken but who cares?) when i went to drom 2 to meet my fellow friends. Then i knocked the prefects' cubical room or cube. then prefect afiz danial or apez said to me about editorial board. He said that i was given the trust along with my batchmate, Zam by fellow old boys to be one of the journalist for MCKK Editorial Board 2010 which i applied it but i didn't go to the interview. i was so happy that time eventhough i was given a confinement (haha).


friday,26th february 2010

Two conversations took place at pavillion, mckk.

Common room-0015 (approximately)

Ckgu Sabri :Kamu nk buat banner smua ni smpt siap ke smpai pkol 12.30?
Anas :bole kot.da nk siap dah.
Ckgu Sabri :Surat mintk extend yg korg bwt tu mne?ckgu nk leminate ni.nnti klau warden lain rounding xdela kene halau.
Anas : Ada cikgu.kertas tu...
Ckgu Sabri :kertas tu mana?hilang?
Anas :kertas aritu da siap da.da ade sign ckgu fairuz dah.pstu ktorg nk leminate.wktu tu saya balek.pakcik saya mninggal.surat tu saya smpn pstu..
Ckgu Sabri :tok sah da cter pnjg.surat tu mne?
Anas : Hilang ckgu.

maka skalian org di common room trmasok aku ketawa berdekah-dekah..

Ckgu Sabri : lps ni kamu bwt surat stu lg, mintk ckgu fairuz sign, pstu ksi kt ckgu.ckgu akn leminate. sbb ckgu x caye la klau ksi korg da ilang dah..
Anas : baik ckgu..

Second conversation

Dorm 2, Pavillion Mckk-soon after the first conversation.

Aku : Syakir!Syakir!
Syakir :Ha!Ha!
Aku :Ko tau td ckgu Sabri kn..

ttba ckgu Sabri msok dorm 2 dan mnyergah.

Ckgu Sabri : Ha! knpe ngn Ckgu Sabri??oooo kutuk eh??
Aku : eh xde ah ckgu..
Ckgu Sabri :abes kamu ckp ape psl ckgu??
Aku :saya cuma ckp..
Cikgu Sabri : Kamu kutuk ckgu eh?ckp ckgu babi smua eh?
Aku : xde ah ckgu. saya cuma nk ckp psl ckgu marah anas bkn marah..
Ckgu Sabri : Mane ade ckgu marah anas.kamu dgr kn td?
Aku :tau ckgu.saya silap ckp.
Ckgu Sabri :kalau kamu kutuk ckgu babi mksod nye ckgu tgh jaga babi gk la. ceh xde la..ckgu acah je. tp klau kamu ade kutuk ckgu blkng2 siap kamu..
Aku :ye ckgu..

haha these conversations rarely happen. So i posted this to remember the funny memories. Well the jokes made us together. Unity is strength. I love this batch. Batch 0812 is the best. Wishing u guys luck for pmr.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Road Signs:pre-etiquette devolopment


traffic lights, speed limit, no U-turn n such...

People know why this kind of signs are put on the sideways yet they seem to be in a an act of ignoring it.Much to say, these road signs are just like decorations by the streets. The proper massage was given from each of these road signs but the people tend to play stupid with it. What more reason you could give if you ignored these road signs but in the same time it is something basic to all motorists. So we can say playing stupid shows the stupidity of the society.Well how about ratings?Ratings of stupidity to make it clear.Is it rational to rate the stupidity of the society?I believe the answer is no.However, what could we explain for the abuses done by the people with the road signs? Well road sings are as important as food. If you take it lightly, you'll be in serious trouble.Not only you but other people too.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

1st post

the prestigious first post had been deleted because of the exaggerattigness of the blogger..


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